Nadia Niaz founded and edits the Australian Multilingual Writing Project. Her academic and creative work explores multilingual creative expression, the practicalities and politics of translation, and the idea of ‘belonging’ in multiple contexts. Her poetry has appeared in Rabbit, Not Very Quiet, Peril, and The Polyglot, and her collection, The Djinn Hunters is forthcoming as part of the Rabbit Poets Series. She teaches Creative Writing at the University of Melbourne.
Appearing In

Wednesday 21 June, 7pm
EWF X AMWP: Spillways
In this fluid display of literature, writers will perform in Urdu, Hindi, French, Russian, Arabic, Mandarin, English and Spanish to promise an evening of waterworks.
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Saturday 17 June, 3pm
Pitch It! Sessions
Sign up to this event to have the chance to deliver a practice five-minute, online, one-on-one pitch with a literary industry professional.

Thursday 22 June, 8:30am
Morning Pages: Personal Archives
Allow Sharlene Allsopp to guide you through some early morning writing prompts and techniques to breathe new life into nostalgia- soaked memories, either inherited or lived.

Sunday 18 June, 4:30pm
Westside Writers Salon
Four exceptional writers from the West will share selections from their most recent work, live at Williamstown’s beautiful Town Hall.

Thursday 22 June, 5:30PM
Writers’ Toolbox: Finding your Community
Four evenings of professional development sessions for aspiring and seasoned writers alike who wish to dig into the nuts and bolts of being a professional writer.
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