Kgshak Akec is a South-Sudanese writer, performing artist, and a lover of words. Since the moment she learned how to write in English at the age of six, Kgshak has been writing out the stories that live inside her mind. As a migrant and non-native English speaker, Kgshak is fascinated by the unspoken words and unsung songs of the day-to-day. Her debut novel Hopeless Kingdom inspired by her own journey of migrating to Australia, explores the relationship of a mother and daughter as they settle, break, evolve, and adapt in new lands through multiple heartaches and triumphs.
Appearing In

Sunday 18 June, 4:30pm
Westside Writers Salon
Four exceptional writers from the West will share selections from their most recent work, live at Williamstown’s beautiful Town Hall.
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Thursday 15 June, 5:30pm
Writing Without Compromise
This workshop will unpack the complications of navigating language and identity in a hostile literary environment

Thursday 22 June, 11am AEST
AI: T/truth
In this pre-recorded panel, three trans/queer writers discuss the complex connections between Truth, genre, and identity within their own work. Combining theory, genre-bending experimentation, and the mundane absurdity of their everyday lives, these writers consider the intersections of form and content along lines of race and gender, and talk about how these relationships effect their […]

Friday 23 June, 7pm
EWF X Dinner Party Press: Short Smut
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Friday 23 June, 11AM
Writeability: Self-told Stories
This panel features writers who have lived experience of disability reflecting on writing today.
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