Jenny Hedley is a neurodiverse writer, PhD student and Writeability mentor whose work appears in Admissions: Voices in Mental Health, Archer Magazine, Cordite, Diagram, Overland, The Suburban Review, TEXT, Verity La, Westerly and Verge. Her narrative nonfiction placed runner-up in the Lord Mayor’s Creative Writing Awards. She is writing an autotheoretical book, My Archive Fever, which is supported by Creative Victoria. She lives on unceded Boon Wurrung land with her son.
Appearing In

Wednesday 14 June – Saturday 24 June
EWF X Crawlspace: ◚
This year, Crawlspace has commissioned 5 works of digital literature for an exclusive EWF issue on their platform.
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Thursday 22 June, 6:30PM
Writers Night School: Short Stories
Join Paige Clark, author of the acclaimed short story collection She Is Haunted, to learn about the tenants of satisfying, memorable short story writing, from scope, pace, imagery and character.

Wednesday 21 June, 7pm
EWF X AMWP: Spillways
In this fluid display of literature, writers will perform in Urdu, Hindi, French, Russian, Arabic, Mandarin, English and Spanish to promise an evening of waterworks.

Thursday 15 June, 5:30pm
Writing Without Compromise
This workshop will unpack the complications of navigating language and identity in a hostile literary environment

Tuesday 20 June, 1pm
Re-Forming the Field
Hear these sports-focused writers and artists explore pathways to sports writing, representation in sport storytelling, the creative possibilities in sport and how we can use sport to tell our stories.
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