Harry Sherratt lives in Naarm. He has been published in sick leave and Cordite, and is currently studying creative writing.
Appearing In

Tuesday 20 June, 9pm
How to Make an Enemy
Join poet Harry Reid for an oral history on literary bastardry, and an education in charming your poetry enemies.
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Saturday 17 June, 3pm
Pitch It! Sessions
Sign up to this event to have the chance to deliver a practice five-minute, online, one-on-one pitch with a literary industry professional.

Saturday 17 June, 4:15pm
Establishing a Sustainable Practice
This panel will be where to find out all the habits that make up a viable professional practice.

Wednesday 21 June, 7pm
EWF X AMWP: Spillways
In this fluid display of literature, writers will perform in Urdu, Hindi, French, Russian, Arabic, Mandarin, English and Spanish to promise an evening of waterworks.

Saturday 24 June, 11am
Radical Memoir Writing
Take a closer look at writers who have used their personal stories as carriers for a wider message of change and social, political critique.
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