Harry Reid is a poet & co-director of Sick Leave. Harry is the author of Leave Me Alone (Cordite, 2022) & the best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend (Puncher & Wattmann, 2020).
Harry Reid
Appearing In
Tuesday 20 June, 9pm
How to Make an Enemy
Join poet Harry Reid for an oral history on literary bastardry, and an education in charming your poetry enemies.
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Wednesday 21 June, 9pm
Distraction & it’s (Dis)contents
In an attention economy where textual engagement is constantly subject to the news cycle, the fragment, virality and the scroll, what is it to be distracted, and what makes it compelling?
Saturday 17 June, 3pm
Pitch It! Sessions
Sign up to this event to have the chance to deliver a practice five-minute, online, one-on-one pitch with a literary industry professional.
Saturday 17 June, 4:15pm
On the Cutting Room Floor
Hear from authors on how they go about whittling down their words to the ones that matter the most, and what they do with the ones they cut.
Thursday 15 June, 7pm
The Sun, The Moon, The Stars
This group of emerging and established First Nations writers have summoned up their writing magic to share stories of the Sun, the Moon and the Stars
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