Hannah Wu is a writer and musician from Aotearoa, studying on unceded Wurundjeri land. Her work has been published with or is forthcoming with Cordite Poetry Review, un Magazine, Island Island online for Bus Projects Gallery, Seventh Gallery, Liminal Magazine, Pantera Press, Yale Art History Journal, Enjoy Contemporary Art Space, Voiceworks and others. In 2021, she was shortlisted for the Liminal Nonfiction Prize and longlisted for the Liminal Fiction Prize in 2020.
Appearing In

Tuesday 20 June, 6pm AEST
On Collectivity
Leah Jing McIntosh and Hannah Wu will discuss the process of developing work for publication in LIMINAL’s two anthologies, Collisions and Against Disappearance.
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Thursday 22 June, 6:30PM
Writers Night School: Short Stories
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