Gabriella Munoz is a Mexican-born writer and editor living in Wurundjeri land. Her nonfiction, poetry and translations have been published in Australia, Mexico and the US in places such as Picnic, Kill Your Darlings, Istor, Meanjin and Cordite and among others. In 2018, Gabriella was the Digital Writer in Residence at Writers Victoria and in 2019 she received a Wheeler Centre Hot Desk Fellowship. Gabriella is the founder and editor of Puentes Review, a platform for Latin American/Latinx writers
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Thursday 15 June, 7pm
The Sun, The Moon, The Stars
This group of emerging and established First Nations writers have summoned up their writing magic to share stories of the Sun, the Moon and the Stars

Sunday 18 June, 4:30pm
Westside Writers Salon
Four exceptional writers from the West will share selections from their most recent work, live at Williamstown’s beautiful Town Hall.

Saturday 17 June, 4:15pm
Establishing a Sustainable Practice
This panel will be where to find out all the habits that make up a viable professional practice.

Friday 23 June, 12:30pm
Lunch/Break: Writing Collaboratively
Hear from writers as they discuss the ins and outs of working with one another, how it informs their practice, and how you can implement it into your own.
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