Elizabeth Bourke (she/her) is a young writer living on unceded Dharawal land. Her writing tangles nature, technology and queerness. She was highly commended for Express Media’s 2022 Catalyse Nonfiction Prize. Her work has been featured in Island and Fremantle Press’ forthcoming anthology ‘An Unexpected Party’. She won third place in the 2022 Honi Soit Fiction Writing Competition and is an alumnus of Express Media’s ToolkitsLITE: Fiction program. You can find her on Instagram @elizabethbourkewriter
Appearing In

Thursday 15 June, 11am
Digital Ecologies
Join these writers for an invigorating discussion about their visions for a world where the technological and the natural are simultaneously embraced.
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Wednesday 21 June, 6pm
On Being Published
Learn about the multiple perspectives, considerations and voices that went into the telling of Sasha’s matriarchal family stories and about the rigorous, collaborative editing and publishing process.

Tuesday 20 June, 6pm AEST
On Collectivity
Leah Jing McIntosh and Hannah Wu will discuss the process of developing work for publication in LIMINAL’s two anthologies, Collisions and Against Disappearance.

Saturday 17 June, 4:15pm
On the Cutting Room Floor
Hear from authors on how they go about whittling down their words to the ones that matter the most, and what they do with the ones they cut.

Thursday 22 June, 5:30PM
Writers’ Toolbox: Finding your Community
Four evenings of professional development sessions for aspiring and seasoned writers alike who wish to dig into the nuts and bolts of being a professional writer.
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