Elizabeth Bourke (she/her) is a young writer living on unceded Dharawal land. Her writing tangles nature, technology and queerness. She was highly commended for Express Media’s 2022 Catalyse Nonfiction Prize. Her work has been featured in Island and Fremantle Press’ forthcoming anthology ‘An Unexpected Party’. She won third place in the 2022 Honi Soit Fiction Writing Competition and is an alumnus of Express Media’s ToolkitsLITE: Fiction program. You can find her on Instagram @elizabethbourkewriter
Elizabeth Bourke
Appearing In
Thursday 15 June, 11am
Digital Ecologies
Join these writers for an invigorating discussion about their visions for a world where the technological and the natural are simultaneously embraced.
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Monday 19 June, 6pm AWST
Green Leaves
What happens when the national book tours and thick royalty cheques don’t quite materialise? Join us to find out.
Thursday 15 June, 8:30am
Morning Pages: Zines
Be endowed with all the materials and skills to make a zine, either to take home, or to use throughout the festival!
Saturday 17 June, 1:45pm
Bella Li: Composition as Explanation
What is it we do when we write? How does composition relate to vision? Bella Li discusses two particular methods of composition – collage and ekphrasis – as well as general compositional principles of structure and sequence, in works of poetry.
Tuesday 20 June, 9pm
How to Make an Enemy
Join poet Harry Reid for an oral history on literary bastardry, and an education in charming your poetry enemies.
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