Autumn Royal creates drama, poetry and criticism.
Autumn Royal
Appearing In
Friday 16 June, 6:30pm
place, non-place
Join these incredible poets as they explore place/non-place in the surrounds of Fitzroy Garden’s Conservatory.
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Saturday 17 June, 3pm
Yumna Kassab: The Physical Act of Writing
In this Keynote, Yumna Kassab will explore the rituals, tools, routines and environmental conditions that assist in a sustainable creative practice.
Thursday 22 June, 8:30am
Morning Pages: Personal Archives
Allow Sharlene Allsopp to guide you through some early morning writing prompts and techniques to breathe new life into nostalgia- soaked memories, either inherited or lived.
Wednesday 21 June, 6pm
On Being Published
Learn about the multiple perspectives, considerations and voices that went into the telling of Sasha’s matriarchal family stories and about the rigorous, collaborative editing and publishing process.
Saturday 24 June, 11AM
CTRL+F: Assembling and Resembling the Poem
Dive into experimentation with procedure, constraint, chance and technology to generate poems.
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