Anna Snoekstra is the author of Only Daughter, Little Secrets and The Spite Game. Her novels have been published in over twenty countries and sixteen languages. She has written for The Guardian, Meanjin, Lindsay, LitHub and had short fiction published in The Saturday Paper and The Griffith Review. Her new novel Out of Breath came out late last year and her first audio drama, This Isn’t Happening, was released this May.
Anna Snoekstra
Appearing In
Monday 19 June, 10am-4pm
Masterclass: Genre Fiction
Join this group of remarkable writers for a day of everything genre fiction.
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Wednesday 21 June, 9pm
Distraction & it’s (Dis)contents
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Sunday 18 June, 12pm
The Subtleties of Podcasting
Podcast and radio host Nana Owusu shares the biggest lessons she’s learnt through years of interviewing, researching and crafting her outstanding podcast, The Subtlety Of It.
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