Friday 23 June, 7pm

EWF X & Performance
EWF X Dinner Party Press: Short Smut
Step into the EWF boudoir –metaphorically– for an evening of short smut. We’ll be reading our shortest sexts; briefly brushed hands under a table, quickies and quickening hearts. It’s romance that spans the length of a dance floor montage in a teen movie.
Your readers are participants of EWF X DPP’s From Page to Stage workshop, alongside guest readers Seren Bell, Srishti Chatterjee and Pip Finkemeyer.
Willows and Wine
315 Victoria St, West Melbourne VIC 3003
Seren Bell
Seren is a queer writer, editor, podcaster, and sociologist living and working on Kaurna Country (Kaurna Yerta).
Srishti Chatterjee
Srishti is a Bengali immigrant poet, writer, and political organiser.
Pip Finemeyer
Pip Finkemeyer is a writer from Naarm/Melbourne.
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