Food writing beyond critique: exploring the universal and individual relationships we have with food
Food writing spans forms, allowing us to explore so much more than just the plate in front of us.
The Emerging Writers’ Festival work, learn and play largely on the land of the Kulin nation, and pay our respects to their Elders, past and present.
EWF celebrates the history and creativity of the world’s oldest living culture.
Food writing spans forms, allowing us to explore so much more than just the plate in front of us.
"I keep two Facebook accounts. One has all my relatives, friends from my schools, friends from my hometowns..."
How has the language around feminist movements evolved within the virality of online platforms?
"Sweatshop has taught me many things, but what will always stay with me is the lesson that literature must make an original contribution to knowledge."
We asked some of our artists to look back on their high school English and Science classes and tell us what they found easy, hard, boring and interesting.
"Challenging the silence and mystery around sex has enabled me to peel back layers of guilt and repression, and learn more about what is possible for myself and others."
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