Meet the Team of Vignettes: Season 3 – Millie Baylis
We have an all new team behind the scenes for Season 3 of Vignettes! Meet Millie Baylis, the new host and producer of Season 3!
The Emerging Writers’ Festival work, learn and play largely on the land of the Kulin nation, and pay our respects to their Elders, past and present.
EWF celebrates the history and creativity of the world’s oldest living culture.
We have an all new team behind the scenes for Season 3 of Vignettes! Meet Millie Baylis, the new host and producer of Season 3!
The Emerging Writers’ Festival is looking for members of our extended community to be part of the Program Advisory Committee (PAC) for 2022-2023.
Josephine Newman is one of six writers selected for the At Home Residencies program undertaking a fortnight of creative work, supported by EWF, in November and December.
Jessica Paraha is one of six writers selected for the At Home Residencies program undertaking a fortnight of creative work, supported by EWF, in November and December.
Hear from the artists of Where The Ending Starts on how to get started with digital storytelling, and how they created their interactive ghost story.
Undergraduate students have demonstrated their writing talent through poetry, short stories, works of creative non-fiction and personal essays selected for this year's Monash Undergraduate Prize for Creative Writing shortlist.
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