Back in the depths of lockdown five, our Marketing and Publicity Coordinator Catherine Huang interviewed herself for the EWF Blog. Now, as Catherine’s time at EWF draws to the close, she tackles the arduous task of interviewing herself once more for some final words on her time at EWF.
Hello Catherine.
Are you ready for another round of hard-hitting questions?
As ready as I will ever be, I think.
Confident as ever. Well, let’s get into it! Would you like to introduce yourself for those that are new?
Sure thing. My name is Catherine (she/her), and I’m the outgoing (sad!) Marketing and Publicity Coordinator at EWF. I’ve been working with EWF since April 2021, and in this time I’ve been a part of the 2021 and 2022 festivals. It’s been a dream come true to work at EWF, especially in these particularly odd times, and to feel grounded by such a special team, to be inspired by the work and practice of others, and to contribute to something incredibly meaningful.
What has been your favourite part of working at EWF?
I’m going to be very cliched and say that I’ve been grateful for the entire experience.
Oh come on.
No, seriously. Lately I’ve been trying to understand if there’s any commonality in the work I do – if there can perhaps be some sort of purpose in terms of my job, or if I’m just destined to be working for the man forever. Big questions, I suppose. Over time, I’ve discovered that the work I do, whether it be my marketing roles, or working in events and festivals, or just when I’m freelancing in different creative positions, it tends to be in support of others – people I admire, people who’s work I believe in, people I want to uplift and celebrate. EWF gave me the opportunity to do that hundreds of times over. I am so thankful.
Gee, that’s a bit soppy!
I know. I’m sorry. It’s true though.
Yes. It really is. You’ve really been so lucky to hold this role. Can you name some highlights for the readers at home?
Hmmm, yes I can try. I loved working on the print program this year, it was a rollercoaster of a journey but I am so proud of the final result. Thanks to Matthias at Loupe Studio for sticking by me through thick and thin on that one. I loved discovering the work of Lily Nie and Molly Hunt, who we worked with for our 2022 Festival Illustration and Vignettes S3 podcast cover artwork, respectively. It’s been so great to see our artists interviewed for The Age, Frankie, Triple R, Arts Hub and ABC Radio, to name a few. I had so much fun working on our website redesign with Connor at Studio Sometimes. And it’s been wonderful meeting so many great new people through working at EWF – artists, art workers and audience members alike.
And what were the challenges?
Um, it would probably have to be…
Let me guess. COVID-19?
Lol yes. COVID-19.
Haunting us every day.
Seriously. But it’s taught me a lot. How to think fast and problem solve on the fly, to adapt and be open-minded, to lower expectations and try to be less of a perfectionist all the time.
Totally. It was a lot to handle.
It really was. But I feel wiser and stronger as a result. Watching our Co-CEOs Alice and Ruby make the difficult decision of moving our festival online in 2021 with such grace and confidence was so inspiring. It’s an honour to work under such wonderful people.
I know. It’ll be sad not to come into the office and see their warm faces every day anymore.
So sad. But someone else will get to come in soon and hang out with them every day.
Exactly. Actually, do you have any tips for those who are thinking of applying for the role of Marketing and Publicity Coordinator?
I learnt so much while working at EWF, and I think that’s one of the great things about this role – it really gives you a chance to grow and develop your skills. Even if you haven’t done a lot of marketing or publicity or communications before, that shouldn’t deter you from applying!
I think it’s also important to remember that the team is small and tight-knit – so when you’re applying it’s good to be true to yourself and your personality, it’s as much a culture fit as it is a skills fit!
Lastly, it’s okay to not necessarily be a writer or a literary person to come into this role! I certainly wasn’t. But, I was curious and interested and keen to know more, and I think that EWF really appreciated that when I applied.

Good tips. Were there any other perks we should know about the job?
Oh, so many! Being a part of the Wheeler Centre and hanging out with all the other organisations. Attending fancy literary events like the Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards and the Stella Prize winner announcement! So many interesting books and writers I would have never discovered if not at EWF. Did I miss anything?
Cat, you missed a lot of things. But we better wrap it up.
Alright. That’s fair.
Before I let you go – what’s next for you?
My next adventure takes me to Triple R, where I’ll be their new Communications and Content Coordinator! I’m so excited to be joining an organisation that is just as passionate about the community it fosters.
Thanks for taking the time today.
Of course. Thank you EWF.
If you’d like to stay in touch with Catherine, you can find her at @mukbangbaby, both on Instagram and Twitter.
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