Journalist by trade, Bloomsbury tragic by obsession, Angela co-founded Willy Lit Fest and was its first President. Bringing the litfest to life 20 years ago indulged a lifelong passion for books and writing. She loves writers’ festivals, cryptic crosswords, belongs to a book club and likes nothing better than poring over a classic from Harold Blooms’ list while sipping a cheeky Pinot Noir. Her all-time favourite: Wuthering Heights.
Appearing In

Sunday 18 June, 6pm
Birthday Party!
Emerging Writers’ Festival and Williamstown Literary Festival are both turning 20, and you’re invited to their birthday party!
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Tuesday 20 June, 11am
Into The Hybrid: A Dialogue of New Works
Peek behind the creative curtain of writers working in the digital space.

Thursday 15 June, 5:30pm
Writing Without Compromise
This workshop will unpack the complications of navigating language and identity in a hostile literary environment

Saturday 17 June, 12:30pm
Club Critique
From literature to food, music to screen, join these writers as they consider the purpose and scope of criticism.

Saturday 24 June, 11am
Radical Memoir Writing
Take a closer look at writers who have used their personal stories as carriers for a wider message of change and social, political critique.
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