Genre fiction is the bread and butter of the book industry. Join this group of remarkable writers for a day of everything genre fiction – from applying research in your work, to the differences between types of fiction and the way they are marketed. Each session provides writers with tools and information they can apply to their own genre fiction practice, be it in romance or fantasy, historical fiction or crime writing.
Award-winning author of From Here On, Monsters Elizabeth Bryer, shares her wisdom on embracing the limitations and freedoms of genre. Hear Elizabeth speak to the power of risk taking, failure, and approaching each draft as an opportunity to experiment and actively resist neoliberal morality.
With Elizabeth Bryar
Tropes and clichés have historically run rampant throughout works of genre fiction. Hear some of the best writers in the field discuss how they challenge and de-construct these archetypes to write original stories within their genres. Hear about each writer’s relationship to taking risks and pushing boundaries within their fiction writing, as well as hopes and predictions for the future of the genres they love to read and write.
With Sharlene Allsopp, Imogen Dewey, Saman Shad and Sean Wilson
Travel to the future with author Briohny Doyle. This workshop blends the art of writing pertinent and thought-provoking speculative fiction, with conversations around the responsibilities writers of genre fiction have to the future of storytelling, and to future storytellers.
With Briohny Doyle
Discover the craft of writing distinct, immersive moods within works of Genre Fiction, with master of atmosphere Anna Snoekstra. Learn how to set intentions in your novel writing when it comes to creating strong settings, narrative arcs and characters, and how to employ these devices to create an idiosyncratic feel in your writing.
With Anna Snoekstra
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