Sofii Belling-Harding is a Yorta Yorta, Wiradjuri, South Sea and Meriam woman who has lived in Naarm on Wurundjeri Country all her life, having grown up in Preston and now resides in Fitzroy. She is a qualified Youth Worker and multidisciplinary artist, specialising in photography, ceramics and painting on fabric. Sofii currently works as a Freelance Community Arts Worker and is a member of the YIRRAMBOI Advisory Group. She is passionate about working with and for her community in the creative industries and specifically, with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people.
Sofii Belling-Harding
Appearing In
Wednesday 14 June, 7pm
Opening Night: Truth Telling
Come set the stage for the landmark 20th Emerging Writers’ Festival!
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Saturday 17 June, 3pm
Pitch It! Sessions
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