Madhvi Singh Thakur is a bi-lingual writer, scholar, and sometimes ghostwriter. Gender, sexuality, and culture are three themes that inspire most of her work. Her works have been published in Cordite Poetry Review, Voiceworks, TOS magazine, Gulmohar Quarterly, Archer, Refinery 29, and other Indian and Australian publications. When Madhvi isn’t writing she goes on air on 3CR at “Writing Home” a space for migrant writers of colour, and their processes navigating home, life, and love.
Appearing In

Wednesday 21 June, 7pm
EWF X AMWP: Spillways
In this fluid display of literature, writers will perform in Urdu, Hindi, French, Russian, Arabic, Mandarin, English and Spanish to promise an evening of waterworks.
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Thursday 22 June, 6:30PM
Writers Night School: Short Stories
Join Paige Clark, author of the acclaimed short story collection She Is Haunted, to learn about the tenants of satisfying, memorable short story writing, from scope, pace, imagery and character.

Saturday 17 June, 3pm
Pitch It! Sessions
Sign up to this event to have the chance to deliver a practice five-minute, online, one-on-one pitch with a literary industry professional.

Wednesday 14 June – Saturday 24 June
Frayed at the ends
Weaving language, labour and spirit, two poets expose the intersections and splinters that arise when two perspectives are made to share the same space.

Sunday 18 June, 6pm
Birthday Party!
Emerging Writers’ Festival and Williamstown Literary Festival are both turning 20, and you’re invited to their birthday party!
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