Harry Sherratt lives in Naarm. He has been published in sick leave and Cordite, and is currently studying creative writing.
Harry Sherratt
Appearing In
Tuesday 20 June, 9pm
How to Make an Enemy
Join poet Harry Reid for an oral history on literary bastardry, and an education in charming your poetry enemies.
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Friday 23 June, 5:30pm
Writers Toolbox: Finding your Workflow
Four evenings of professional development sessions for aspiring and seasoned writers alike who wish to dig into the nuts and bolts of being a professional writer.
Saturday 17 June, 3pm
The Grant Scheme of Things
A session all about grants and funding for writers – do they exist, how do you get one, and what do you do once you do have one?
Saturday 17 June, 12:30pm
Victoria Hannan: Structure and Boundaries
How does a good story become a great novel? Victoria Hannan, author of Kokomo and Marshmallow, will explore the role of structure in bringing stories to life.
Wednesday 21 June, 8:30am
Morning Pages: Diaries
Join Caitlin McGregor as they highlight habits and tricks for diary fossicking.
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