Felix is a writer and architecture student at the Melbourne School of Design, having previously studied literature at Monash. His first book, drone, was published in 2021 by no more poetry. He and his partner Nina Nervegna complement their collaborative architectural work by making spoken word as Spine. As well, they conduct design research as Cellar, producing drawings and models of speculative buildings and products.
Appearing In

Wednesday 14 June – Saturday 24 June
Take a walk around Melbourne in the company of four storytellers using refrains of infrastructure, history, and memory to guide their routes.
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Thursday 22 June, 6:30PM
Writers Night School: Short Stories
Join Paige Clark, author of the acclaimed short story collection She Is Haunted, to learn about the tenants of satisfying, memorable short story writing, from scope, pace, imagery and character.

Thursday 15 June, 6pm
Join some of EWF’s favourite writers as they share the most scandalous gossip they could imagine – emphasis on imagine.

Thursday 22 June, 6pm
On Intergenerational Stories
In this conversation between father and daughter, the two writers discuss the intergenerational approach to their co-written book, The Shape of Dust.

Sunday 18 June, 6pm
Birthday Party!
Emerging Writers’ Festival and Williamstown Literary Festival are both turning 20, and you’re invited to their birthday party!
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